I share your excitement and joy.
I am very proud of your courage to take on and team execution of an extremely
difficult project.
You get 100 for your excellence in this wonderful project.

I have no doubt that each one of you will write many beautiful stories in
your life.

God bless you all.


> On 6/22/06, 郭庭瑋 John Kuo wrote:
> Dear teacher Kan,
> The attachment is electronic version of our final report for this semester.
> Please enjoy it and give us some advice for it. Also, we'll hand in our 5 th
> and 6th report as soon as possible before this weekend.
> Once again, thanks for teaching us this semester. We did learned a lot
> from you and the class.
> Please enjoy your time after leaving Tsing-Hua.
> Your sincere student,
> John Kuo 郭庭瑋

Steven S. Kan
Professor of Economics,
National Tsing Hua University,
Hsin Chu, Taiwan 300
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